19. List Options
Tools menu -> List Options
Edit Billing Related Lists (As Needed)

Billing Payment Types: Create the types of payments that are accepted in the clinic. Add any as needed.
Financial Classes: Edit/Add any needed Financial Classes to use for tracking patients.
Schedule Appointment Status: Create any desired appointment statuses to match your clinic work flow.
Billing Payment Types

- Billing Payment Types: Create the types of payments that are accepted in the clinic. Add any as needed.
Financial Classes

Add financial classes as needed to track patients. Determine patient's financial class at a glance.
- Double click on a financial class item in the list, or click the Create List Item button to add a new financial class.
- Click Back Color and select a preset color, or click More Colors and choose a custom color.
- Click on the Fore Color drop down and select a preset color, or click More Colors and choose a custom color. This will edit the font of the appointment. Preview shows how the Patent's name will display in the Patient Account Information Bar when this financial class is selected in Demographics tab.
- Click Save when done.
Schedule Appointment Status

Add any appointment statues that you would like to use when tracking patient appointments.
- Double click on an appointment status item in the list, or click the Create List Item button to add a new status.
- Edit the Text as needed.
- Click Back Color and select a preset color, or click More Colors and choose a custom color.
- Click on the Fore Color drop down and select a preset color, or click More Colors and choose a custom color. This will edit the font of the appointment.
- Click Save when done.