Additional Providers Tab-Charge Level
Billing -> Patient Account -> New Charges Tab ->Add Charge->Provider tab
Billing->Patient Account->Claims tab->Select claim from list->Double click on charge line to open Charge Details
The Charge Details dialog consists of several tabs for additional charge information needed by payers to process claims. Many specialties require specific dates, certification numbers, etc. Additional charge information can be added by clicking on the appropriate tabs. The information entered here will be at the charge level and will apply to selected charges for the visit. Unless this additional information is required by the payer for your specialty, do not add any additional information.
Charge Details Providers Tab (Use only to override Default Info)

Use drop down options to override existing Providers at the Charge level, only if required by payer. For Claim level provider information, see More Info Providers tab.
Rendering Provider-Select only if rendering provider is other than the provider indicated in the Owner field at the top. Otherwise, leave blank.
Referring Provider-Defaults to Referring Provider selected in Demographics tab, or use drop down list to select from Contacts Manager.
Primary Care Provider-Defaults to PCP selected in Demographics tab, or use drop down list to select, if required by payer.
Ordering Provider-Select from drop down list, if required by payer.
Supervising Provider-Select from drop down list, if required by payer.
Purchasing Provider-Select from drop down list, if required by payer.