16. Flags/Notes Category Manager
Tools->Flags/Notes Category Manager
Add Notes and Flag patient accounts to alert user when scheduling or opening account.
Add Category

1. Click the Add Category button
Add Category Name, Description and Access

2. Enter a Name for the Category.
3. Add Category Description.
4. To alert users with a pop up message when opening the patient account or chart, select those individual users or click the Select All Users box to alert all users.
5. To alert users by assigned Roles to be alerted by a pop up message when opening the patient account or chart, you can select that Role or click the Select All Roles box to alert all users assigned to the selected Role.
6. To alert users by assigned Groups to be alerted by a pop up message when opening the patient account or chart, you can select that Group or click the Select All Groups box to alert all users assigned to the selected Group.
7. Click OK to save the Category.
Edit or Remove Flags/Notes Category

8. Click to edit selected category
9. Click to remove selected category
10. Icons can be used to edit, delete or add categories.