Clearinghouse Account Settings
Remits are generated every 4 hours by Trizetto, placed in a secure-file-transfer-protocol (sftp) and ready to Download at your convenience. Account settings will have to be edited in order to put that automated generation in process.
When Auto Generate Remittances is checked, any remits without a Download Date will be included in the first download. Remits that should be verified as previously posted will have a yellow background when viewing the downloaded remits list within SOAPware. After verifying a remit has been posted, the remit can be deleted from the list.
Remits can also be manually selected for download, if preferred.
Log in to Trizetto Website

- Select My Account tab.
- Manage Product Files and Specifications.
- Remittance Advice Settings.
Trizetto/Gateway EDI Remittance File Settings

Place a check mark in the following options:
- Include NPIs When Returned by Payers.
- Auto Generate Remittances. (Leave blank if manually selecting remits to download as needed)
- Use TriZetto Provider Solutions Payer IDs and Names for Remittances.
- Use Multiple File Name Options.
- Use Check Number in File Name.
- Use Check Amount in File Name.
- Use Payer Name in File Name.
- Save Changes.
- The first download will most likely contain several remits that have already been manually posted in SOAPware. Any remits without a Download Date will be populated into the New Remit list in SOAPware and will have to be deleted to avoid duplicate payment posting. These remits will be listed with a yellow background if the check number and check amount was posted in SOAPware previously.
- If preferred, remits can be manually selected and printed like always. In order to include them in the auto remit list for posting, click the Download Selected button after placing a check mark on the selected remits.
Manually Download Selected Remits
If a previously downloaded remit needs to be downloaded again:
- Using the drop down arrow, select to Search Advanced.
- Place a check mark to Show Archived (Previously Downloaded Remittances).
- Select one of the search options and Download Selected.
- Open SOAPware to Billing>Post Insurance Payments>Create/Load Payment and select Download/Find New Remits.
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