Filtering Claims
In addition to Filtering Posted date, each column can be filtered to drill down and search for specific claim types, payers, claims by provider, and other options from all tabs within the Claims Manager.
New Filtering Options

1. Hover over the column headers to activate the filter icon.
2. Click on the icon to drop down filter options, and click on an option.
3. If additional filtering is necessary, repeat steps 1 and 2. One or more columns can be filtered at a time.
Filtering Results

Results for filtering by posted date 10/1/2012 to 5/28/2013, and selecting Medicare as the Primary payer to view claims that were submitted during that date range.
Multiple Filtering options results

Submitted claims filtered by Date Range and sorting Physician and Payer columns. Total at the bottom of the screen includes all claims within the date range selected in the Filter Posted Date.
Filtering Columns
1. Submitted claims filtered by Date Range and filtered Primary payer column to only list claims with Medicare as the primary payer.
2. Total claims submitted within the date range selected in the Filter Posted Date.
3 & 4. Total for claims with Medicare as the primary payer that were submitted within the date range selected in the Filter Posted Date.