12. Remittance Advice Remark Codes
Located in the Tools menu -> Billing Maintenance ->Remark Code Maintenance
Remittance Advice Remark Code Maintenance

Maintain Remittance Advice Remark Codes
Search by Code

Begin typing the code in the Code Look up and as you type, the codes and descriptions are listed.
Search by Description

Begin typing the description in the Description Look up and as you type, the codes and descriptions are listed.
Add Note to Remark Codes

1. Add free text notes for internal comments, information, etc.
2. Click Save
Update Codes

Reason codes are updated quarterly and users will be notified by SOAPware News Alert when the codes are ready to update. Click the Update Codes button to download any new, deleted or modified remark codes. A progress bar displays during the update process.
Hide/Show Inactive Remark Codes

If a code had been Inactivated and is no longer going to be used, it can be hidden when viewing the Code List by placing a check mark in the Hide Inactive Codes box.
Remark Code Effective, Modified or Deactivation Date

1. Effective date column lists the year the code is activated.
2. Modified Date column lists the date the code was last modified.
3. When a Remark code is discontinued Deactivation Date column will list the date it was discontinued
Note: The dates are automatically inserted.