Custom Patient Reporting
Generate reports on your patients, based on multiple criteria including demographics, appointment/scheduling information, billing/claim data, etc. Each selection made within any of the categories creates an AND statement. This will mean it will only pull up patients that meet ALL of the criteria selected, as opposed to only meeting one of the criteria selected.
Default Output Information (in Columns):
- Account Number
- First Name
- Last Name
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Home Phone
Note: If you select multiple criteria for the report, those additional selections will be added as columns to the output you receive, to allow you to see the values for each patient row. If you select Unique Patients Only, you will only see the above columns listed, without the additional criteria as columns.
Demographic Info

Enter values for any of the demographic fields needing to be searched. Be aware that each selection that is made creates an AND statement. (For instance, if you select a specific sex such as female, and select an ethnicity of Hispanic or Latino, the report will pull all females in the system that are Hispanic or Latino.) You may enter selections in any of the categories to search multiple parameters.
Scheduling Info

Search on any of the parameters available under Scheduling Info. Select a Facility from the drop down before selecting a Provider/Resource and/or a Scheduplate.
Insurance Policy Info

Select an insurance company from one of the fields available. Enter a policy type to search for any insurance policy with a specific type assigned.
Billing Info - Account Balance Info (Clincial Suite customers only)

Account Balance Info will enable searching patient balances.
Billing Info - Charges Info (Clincial Suite customers only)

The Charges Info will be searching for any codes, adjustments or visit detail that is entered within the Patient Account. The search of these codes does not search the SMARText within the SOAP note. It is only a search of the billing data that is billed on the patient's ledger.
Billing Info - Claims Info (Clincial Suite customers only)

Enter any criteria to pull up patients based on their claim detail.
Selecting Unique Patients Only

If you have entered criteria that generates multiple entries per patient (for example, running a search on patients with appointments within a particular date range), there is an option to only see the unique list of patients that fit that criteria. To do that, check Unique Patients Only. This option allows you to get a true count of the number of different patients that meet the criteria. Note: When Unique Patients Only is checked, your report will only show the default columns for the report and will not add on the additional search criteria as additional columns.
The preview of the report will be shown first and will allow you to export the data in multiple formats. Any of the options listed above will be available for export. Feel free to export the patient information to use to merge with other documents, create graphs, spreadsheets, etc.