Chart Interface Basics - Creating Charts
A new chart can be created within the Chart Rack.
How to Create a New Chart

To create a new chart you will click on the Create chart button.
Creating a New Chart

The only required information for your patient will be a first and last name and click OK.
New Chart has been Created
A new chart will open immediately to the Demographics section of the chart. This feature allows the creator enter the demographic information or to defer the demographic information entry if needed due to limited time, or may not be the person that gathers demographic information.
Entering General Demographic Information

Click here to view Meaningful Use criteria
You will notice three tabs under the Demographics chart section: (1) Insurance, (2) General, and (3) Custom.
The General demographics section of the chart contains all of the basic identifying information about a patient. The patients’ name, provider, and contact information can all be found in this section. You will also see several fields that are highlighted in yellow. These are required fields for e-prescribing. If you do not have all the necessary information entered for the patient, you will not be able to e-prescribe.
General Demographics - PCP and Referring Provider

These two drop-down menus are used to select the patient's Primary Care Physician, and/or a Referring Physician.
SOAPware can maintain a list of frequently used contacts along with basic demographic information for each of them. SOAPware's document designs can then use this information to create personalized documents such as referral letters. The contact list is also used to maintain frequently used names and addresses. In this fashion it functions much as a Rolodex. This contacts list is used in the patient's demographics area to choose their PCP/Referring Provider.
If you would like to add a referring provider to the list on the fly (who is not listed in the drop-down menu), Click the + button and Contact Manager will open. Simply add the provider to the list and it will appear in the Referring Provider drop down list.
Preferred Pharmacy

This drop-down list box is used to select the patient’s preferred pharmacy. This will automatically populate on this patient's Rx Manager when you e-prescribe medications. By setting a default preferred pharmacy in demographics, the Rx Manager will also have a default pharmacy. The drop-down list is populated from what is set up in the Pharmacy Manager.
If you would like to add to the list of pharmacies on the fly:
1. Click the + button and the Pharmacy Manager dialog window will open.
2. Choose the Directory tab to search for the pharmacy if they accept e-prescribing
3. Or Click the plus button to manually add to the list.
The new pharmacy will appear in the Preferred Pharmacy list as a new selection.

This text box is used to enter the patient’s email address. At this time, there is not a way to email patients from SOAPware, but demographics acts as a central place to store all information about this patient.
Insurance Demographics

To add and edit patient's insurance information:
1. Click on the "Insurance" tab at the bottom of the demographics section.
2. Click the button with the green plus.
3. This will bring up a window where you will type in the insurance information.
4. Click Save and you will see the patient's insurance information listed at the top of the demographics window.
Custom Demographics

The Custom Demographics section of the chart contains the information not otherwise contained elsewhere in the demographics area, but which may be needed in most patients' charts. Custom field 13 is a note or memo text box; it is used to store more information than the other fields.
Setting Custom Demographics Titles

By editing custom demographics titles, you can add additional demographic fields to SOAPware, with names that you assign them. To modify the custom demographics headings:
1. Click Tools-Custom Demographic Titles
2. You will see a list of custom demographics text boxes. The current name of each field is shown in an edit box where you can enter the new name.
3. Fill in as many of these fields as you wish, then click Save to save your changes.
4. Click Save, then close SOAPware and restart to see the new titles displayed.
Note: This setting will change the titles of all custom demographic fields on all patients in the database.