SMARText Data Entry Methods
This lesson will demonstrate the various ways to search for and use SMARText in your documentation.
The various data entry methods include:
* SMARText Items Manager
* Shift + F11
* F11
* Shortcut Code
* Quick Access Location Pick List
* Quick Access SMARText Pick List
Note: For purposes of demonstration we will be using a limited number of fields within SOAPware. The data entry methods discussed can be used in all fields within the Summary and SOAPnote.
"AMP" Up Your Documentation
Using SMARText structured items for documentation in the fields listed below will best prepare clinics for reporting on quality measures in the future.
A - Assessment
M - Medications
P - Plan
SMARText is a type of data entry that that was created by associating hidden information to the words and phrases used in documentation. As a result, the documentation is able to be identified electronically and read by the computer thus making your documentation more searchable.
Inserting Items with SMARText Items Manager
To insert a SMARText Item into an active field using SMARText Items Manager:
1. With a chart open, place your cursor into the desired field (ie: Active Problems, Medications, etc.).
2. Left click on the SMARText Item to highlight.
3. Double click on the item to insert it into the field or press "Insert".
Shift + F11 Entry Method

You can search for SMARText items within each field. A "Shift + F11" search will display a list of SMARText items that are located on the SOAPware Online Library and your local database. To conduct a "Shift + F11" search:
1. With a chart open, place your cursor into the desired field.
2. Type in a single keyword or medical abbreviation.
3. On your keyboard, press Shift plus the F11 key to conduct a search.
Notice the items in the pop-up dialog box include triangles that point both up and down and also includes many of the headers discussed above.
Inserting an Item From a Shift + F11 Search

To insert a SMARText Item into an active field using a Shift + F11 search:
1. Left click on the desired SMARText Item to highlight it.
2. Double click on the item to insert it into the field.
F11 Entry Method

An "F11" search will display a list of SMARText items that are located on your local database. To conduct an "F11" search:
1. With a chart open, place your cursor into the desired field.
2. Type in a single keyword or medical abbreviation.
3. On your keyboard, press the F11 key to conduct a search.
4. Insert the SMARText item into the desired field by double clicking on the item.
Notice the items in the pop-up dialog box include triangles that point only up denoting the items are located on your local database.
Shortcut Code Entry Method

If the shortcut code to a SMARText item is known, it can be inserted by following the steps below:
With a chart open, place your cursor into the desired field.
1. Type in the shortcut code for the SMARText item that you wish to insert.
2. Press the spacebar on your keyboard.
3. The SMARText item will expand.
Quick Access Location Pick List Entry Method
Clicking in most fields causes a list of SMARText items that were previously used in that field (in any patients chart) to be presented in the SMARText Quick Access dialog box. The Quick Access Location pick list is User specific and allows for inserting a previously used item without conducting a search.
To insert a item from the Quick Access Location Pick List, simply double click on the item in the SMARText Quick Access dialog box.
Note: If you do not see the SMARText Quick Access window, please see: Docking SMARText Quick Access
Quick Access SMARText Pick List Entry Method

Many SMARText items have lists associated with them which allow you to choose a desired item (ie: list of common diagnosis or surgeries). SOAPware refers to these items as "Pick Lists". In SOAPware, text that appears Blue and Underlined indicates that a Pick List is attached to the SMARText Item (as shown above).
SOAPware has created numerous Starter Pick Lists, such as the one shown above. To learn how to insert and use the Starter Pick Lists, please follow the links below:
* Tobacco
* Alcohol
Editing SMARText Items
For information on how to copy, move, and delete SMARText, see: Entering Text in SOAPware
Click and Type

All SMARText items can have free-text comments attached to them. You can edit/add a comment by clicking on a ST item, and start typing. The typing is displayed in the Item Comment dialog.
It is not wise to simply click after a SMARText item, and just start typing. Anything typed in this fashion is not associated with the chief complaint, but is freely floating somewhere in Subjective. This lowers the value of the information, and can causes some formatting problems when issuing the Remove Unused command.