Inserting a Docuplate
Open Document

To insert a Docuplate, open the Document into which you want to insert the Docuplate. In a SOAPnote, you can clear out the default docuplate if you want to insert an all-new docuplate. To do this, go to Edit > Clear All SOAP Fields.
If you do not start with a blank document, when you insert the docuplate, you will be prompted with several options on how to insert the docuplate.
Search and Insert

1. Open the Docuplates panel using the Docked Tab, or press F6.
2. Then, select the Docuplate(s) you want to insert from the list.
3. Click the Insert button.
If the Document is Not Empty

If the document you are inserting the docuplate into is not empty, you will receive a prompt to choose what you would like to do.
Ignore to not insert any docuplate information into any SOAPnote fields that already have content.
Append to add the docuplate information after any existing content in SOAPnote fields.
New to create a new, empty/blank SOAPnote next to the existing one. This could be useful if you were seeing the patient for a sore throat and a workman's comp appointment at the same visit.
Cancel to exit the dialog and not perform any information insertion into the SOAPnote.