Add / Edit Vital Reading Date
Add a Reading Date

To add a reading date:
1. Click the Add Reading Date Button (or press Control + Alt + N).
2. A new column will be created with the current date and time displayed at the top.
Edit a Reading Date

To edit a reading date:
1. Select it by clicking the top of the column.
2. Then, click the Edit Reading Date Button (or press Control + Alt + E).
3. The Reading Date dialog box will open, asking you to specify the date and time for the reading.
4. New information may be typed in, or entered using the drop-down arrow to select a date and then change the time manually.
5. When you are satisfied with the changes, click OK (or press Enter); the date and time will be changed at the top of the reading column.
Remove a Reading Date

To remove a reading date:
1. Select it by clicking the top of the column.
2. Then, click the Remove Reading Date Button (or press Control + Alt + R).
NOTE: Removal of the selected selected reading date will result in the loss of all contained readings.
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