Intro to Health Maintenance
Click here to view Meaningful Use Criteria
Health Maintenance is designed to alert and keep track of Preventive health issues. The Health Maintenance section is used anytime you wish to add, edit or modify rules that belong to a single patient.
The format for health maintenance in v4 is completely different in 2008/2009/2010. The conversion can and does bring over the notes from each rule in v4 patient charts, but the conversion can't reformat the rules to go forward in the new version.
Prior to the conversion, create HM Reports to identify patients due for follow up for health maintenance in the future. Print this report and use it as a back-up reference to ensure issues have been addressed in the future.
We suggest, as patients arrive in the future, update the HM rules in each chart.
Health Maintenance Rules and Sets
Health Maintenance Rules and Sets allows you to Create, or Edit Rules and Rule Sets.
Health Maintenance

Open a patient chart. Verify the Demographics section of the chart is completed for patient age and gender. Click Chart in the menu bar; Click the Sections menu item, and then Click the Health Maintenance menu item. (or, simply Click on the Chart Navigator docked tab, and Double-Click on Health Maintenance) This will add that section to your chart layout if it is not there already. Once the tab is included in the chart layout, it can be opened via clicking the Health Maintenance Tab.
Adding Rules and Rule Sets

To add a Rule or Rule set, Click the Add Rule button (Green +)
Add Rules

Click the Rules tab to add a single rule. In order to select multiple rules (not consecutive), Hold-down the Ctrl key; Click each Rules list item to add; then Click the Add button.
Add Rule Sets

Click the Rule Sets tab to add a collection or set of Rules. Click the Add button.
For example, Click the Males 35 to 49 Rule set to place the Rules applied to it into the upper region of the Health Maintenance section
Health Maintenance Color Coding

When a Rule is highlighted in red, the item is overdue or has never been addressed
When a Rule is highlighted in yellow, the rule is not overdue at this point, but past the first day within your alert period you have set for the Rule.
Health Maintenance Alerts

Once Health Maintenance has been implemented on a patient, an alert window will appear whenever the chart is pulled, letting you know if Health Maintenance issues need to be addressed. Of course, you can review this at any time by going to the Health Maintenance tab.