SOAPware v4 Conversion to 2010: Areas That Do Not Convert
When converting from SOAPware version 4.x to 2010, all patient documents and information are carried over into the new version. However, the following areas DO NOT carry over...
Pulled Chart Information does not convert

We now encourage our v4 users NOT TO USE Pulled Charts to manage tasks, or to track what needs to be signed/completed.
When the SOAPware is installed, Pulled Charts will not be displayed.
Instead, use the Tasks Manager (formally the ToDo List) to keep track of and manage what needs to be signed/completed: Tasks Manager
ToDo List information does not convert

Be advised to clean up all ToDo Lists BEFORE converting to the new version of SOAPware.
Security settings do not convert

This will be one of the first things that will need to be set up after conversion.
Enabling Security was an option in version 4, but it is required in the new SOAPware.
Security in the new SOAPware has been completely re-written to meet specific HIPAA and federal guidelines.
SOAPware will automatically add Providers who have an active SOAPware license and their Role will be set as Clinician.
All other Users will need to be manually added.
For more information, see: Security
Superbills and it's functionality have be completely re-written

Superbill Codes in version 4, as seen in the above screen shot, will not convert to the new SOAPware
The new Billing Statements in SOAPware are designed to populate with structured data only
In the new SOAPware, the Billing Statements will only populate with structured ICD and CPT codes (See example in screen shot above).
Note that Structured data will have bold, blue headers.
In the new SOAPware this type of structured data is called SMARText.