Creating a New Chart Section
These instructions will show how to create new chart sections within Chart Navigator.
Open the Chart Section Editor

Click Tools, and Click Chart Section Editor.
Locate the Parent Section

Click on the area that you wish to add a Chart Section.
In this example we are adding to the Documents section.
Click the Add Button

Click the Add button (i.e. the green +).
Type the Name

Type the name of the new chart section to add in both the Title and the Menu field/boxes and click Create.
A window will appear letting you know that you need to restart SOAPware.
User Privileges

Now, using your Administrator login, Click Tools -> Security. Click the + sign next to a user's name. Click the + sign next to Charts. Click the + sign next to Documents. Click the new Chart Section name, and Click the Allow All button. Click the checkboxes that you do not wish the user to have access to and a red X will display. DO THIS FOR EACH USER THAT WILL NEED ACCESS TO THIS SECTION.
Click Close, and you are presented a prompt to logout of SOAPware for the new settings to take place.
In order to be able to perform the above tasks the user must have proper access in the Security Section.
Editing a Chart Section
Removing a Chart Section
Note: You cannot remove SOAPware’s default Chart Sections. This action can only be performed on chart sections that you have created.
WARNING: This operation should only be performed after you have assured that there are no other users currently working with patient charts. This will help to prevent the loss of patient data.
Removal Process

To remove a Chart Section:
1. Click to highlight it in the list.
2. Click the Remove Section Button (or Press Ctrl + Alt + R).
SOAPware will ask you to confirm that you wish to perform this action. If you are certain you wish to do so, Click Yes. If not, Click Cancel, and SOAPware will return you to the Chart Sections Editor.
Reassigning Documents

When you remove a Chart Section, SOAPware will ask you where you wish to place the Documents contained within that section. The Reassign Documents dialog box will open.
1. Choose the Section in which you wish to place the documents by Clicking to highlight it in the list.
2. Because of the sensitive nature of performing this action, you must verify that you have read the warning, and have ensured that no other users are working with patient charts. When you are certain you are ready to perform this action, Click to check the box next to "I have verified this."
3. Then, Click the Reassign Button.
The documents contained within the section you are deleting will be moved, and the section will be removed.
If you do not wish to move documents and remove the chart section, Click Cancel, and SOAPware will return you to the Chart Sections editor.