Plan Entry

The Actions pick list will display in the Plan field for assisting in documentation data entry. ow, you can click the sub-item to choose the specific action item. In this example, you see Lab/Tests, X-Rays/Imaging, Studies, and Summary updated have all been included as a part of the plan field.
Lab Tests

Click on Labs/Tests to see the pick list items, then click a check box in front of a list item such as the CBC. This action inserts the selected pick list item into the Plan field.
Related Dx

For billing purposes, it is often necessary to associate a diagnosis with a lab test. In order to be able to relate the Structured Dx SMARText item types used in the Assessment field to this lab item (i.e. CBC), Click on the Related Dxs- sub-item for the lab test. This results in all diagnoses in the Assessment and Active Problems (i.e. Hypertension) to be displayed for selection in the SMARText Quick Access dialog. Select the appropriate Assessment/diagnosis item to associate it to the Plan item.
The Plan field is also where you may choose to include patient handouts. To learn more about creating and using handouts, see - Selecting Patient Handouts
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