ERx Workflow
To access Rx Manager use the F8 key, right click over Medications in the SOAPnote or select Docutainers > Rx Manager from the menu.
NOTE: SMARText medications must be entered in the Summary medications field and the SOAPnote medications field to be ePrescribed. The patient's General Demographics section must contain the full patient name, birth date, and address.
ePrescribing a Prescription

Clicking the submit button will transmit the prescription by ePrescribing. A participating pharmacy must be selected for ePrescribing. The submit button default setting is for ePrescribing. This action can be edited in Tools. See Tools - Options.
Printing a Prescription from Rx Manager

Click the drop down arrow and highlight Print.
Faxing a Prescription from Rx Manager

Click the drop down arrow and highlight Fax. To note samples given for a patient, click Samples.
Adding a Prescription in Rx Manager

Click the Add Rx button.
Checking Available Medications

Enter name of medication for the search. Click the Search Online Library button. A list will populate related to the entered medication. Click to highlight medication, then click Insert to place on Rx Pad.
Updating Summary Medications

Clicking on Update Summary will take you to the Summary Merger Display.
Summary Merger

Medications can be updated/merged to the Summary Medications or this merge can be ignored.