Open and Log In to SOAPware
Open SOAPware

Start by opening SOAPware. Click Start; Click the Programs (or All Programs) menu item; Click the SOAPware folder; and then Click the SOAPware menu item. SOAPware opens with the User Log-In dialog.
Log In

At the start of every SOAPware session, log in to the system with both a user ID and password. For now, sign in will be with a default user. Type SampleNurse in the User ID and samplenurse for the Password, and Click LogIn.
If you cannot log in with SampleNurse, the final step of installation was not performed. Obtain an alternative ID and Password from your administrator.
SOAPware Opens

Once SOAPware fully loads, the Chart workspace is displayed. If this is the first time to log in as SampleNurse, there may be an additional dialog presented where the Active Provider for SampleNurse is selected.