Lab Docuplates
This lesson will cover how to search create Lab docuplates.
Lab docuplates are used for documenting groups of lab tests. For example a CBC is composed of many lab tests: WBC, RBC, Hbg, Hct, etc. A lab docuplate for a CBC would contain all of the individual tests that make up that CBC.

To search for a docuplate, enter a key word and click on the Search button.
Download Docuplate

1. Click on Location to sort the docuplates
2. Find docuplates in the Labs location
3. Download the docuplate to your local library
The docuplate is now ready to use in your network.
Searching for Lab Docuplates

Many lab docuplates are pre-built by SOAPware. To search for available lab docuplates, click on the Docuplates tab docked at the bottom of the screen or click in the menu bar Docutainers > Docuplates
Creating New Lab Docuplates

To Create a lab docuplate:
1. Open a "test" chart
2. Open the Lab Chart section
3. Click on the green + to create a new lab docutainer.
Select Empty

Select the Empty Lab template and click OK.
To Add a Lab Test

Click on the green + at the top of the Lab Encounter to enter lab tests.
Select Lab Tests

Highlight the lab tests you want to include and click OK. To highlight multiple lab tests, click and hold down the Control key on your keyboard and select the lab tests to add. The lab tests will display in the order they are selected. These cannot be moved up or down.
To Remove a Lab Test

If a test needs to be removed, click on the red X button.
Creating the Docuplate

Click on the Docuplates tab docked at the bottom of the screen or select Docutainers > Docuplates from the menu bar.
Create a New Docuplate

To create the new docuplate, click on the green + in the Docuplates Menu.
Enter Docuplate Information

1. Give the docuplate a shortcut
2. Enter a description for the docuplate
3. Enter key words for the docuplate.