Migrating from SOAPware Version 4 Codes
During initial installation of the upgrade, options are presented in order to convert old SOAPware codes from version 4 shortcut-codes into SMARText Items.
Expander Codes
The expander codes will work similar as they do in Version 4.
They are no longer categorized in Assessment, Plan, Medication, Various and Follow Up.
They are not limited to specific fields.
All of your expander codes that you had created in Version 4 can be located in the SMARText Items Manager.
What were often referred to as expander codes in SOAPware v4.x will convert into SOAPware 2010 and function in much the same fashion.
The term SMARText items has replaced the use of the term codes when referring to shortcut-macros that enter information into SOAPware. So, substitute the use of the term Unstructured SMARText items when referencing shortcut-macro data entry items in the future (i.e. what many v4.x users called codes).
The Code Editor in v4.x has been replaced with the SMARText Items Manager.
All the v4.x expander codes can be converted into Unstructured SMARText items, and can be searched, viewed and edited in the SMARText Items Manager.
The term SMARText items has replaced the use of the term codes when referring to shortcut-macros that enter information into SOAPware.
Again, when referring to converted v4 codes, refer to them as Unstructured SMARText items, in order to avoid confusing them with other types of SMARText items that typically have some structure.
They are not limited for use in only specific fields. Any SMARText items is available in any field.
Some key issues to consider are that they are no longer limited to the 5 types of lists (i.e. Assessment, Plan, Medication, Various and Follow Up). SMARText items can be sorted in dozens of differing fashions. Rather than only being able to use Shortcuts to organize them, Keywords offer much more flexibility.
Finding the Converted Codes
The Codes Editor in v4.x has been replaced with the SMARText Items Manager.
To access SMARText Items, go to the Docutainers menu item, click SMARText Items. type the shortcut you used in V4 in the search field and click the Search button
At the time of conversion, all v4.x expander codes can be converted into Unstructured SMARText items. Subsequently, they can be searched, viewed and edited in the SMARText Items Manager.
All items in the v4 code lists during conversion will have the same Shortcut when they are converted to Unstructured SMARText items. To find an old code, you can still use the old Shortcut.
In order to produce lists similar to those in v4, the converted codes also have a Keyword added based on their list location in v4 (see Keyword for search-list in table below).
Old V4 Code Lists Keyword for search New SMARText item type
Dx codes Dxx Dx (us)
Rx codes Rxx Rx (us)
Plan codes Pxx Plan (us)
Follow up Codes Fxx Follow Up (us)
Various codes Vxx Misc (us)
Unstructured Text vs. SMARText

Notice, in the Keywords column of the SMARText Items Manager, the individual words in the Description are also converted to Keywords for searching and the creation of lists of items.
If you made a lot of customizations in v4 and did a conversion-migration to SOAPware 2010, your customizations should mostly be available. The exceptions are the pick list items from v4.
The converted v4 expander codes are of very limited value in SOAPware 2010. After the transition phase, plan to gradually switch to other types of SMARText items over time. They are nothing more than unstructured free text and are therefore useless for anything other than human reading.
Tip: the Templates also have a Keyword added to them in their converted docuplate/templates. It is in the form of Txx + the first letter of the shortcut code in v4.
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