Tasks Lists
The To Do List from V4 is now the Tasks Manager. Some changes include:
* Control buttons (Add, Remove, etc.) have been replaced with the quick access buttons at the top of the task viewer.
* The user drop down list has been moved to the top of the Task Viewer.
* Columns displayed in the Task View can be selected.
* Tasks can contain more information including owners and notes.
* Notes can now be displayed as a column and as an icon. Note contents can be viewed by placing the mouse cursor over the note icon.
* The Tasks Manager can display all tasks for any patient selected.
* The Tasks Manager can show all tasks owned by specific user.
* Reminders can be associated with task items resulting in the display of a reminder when the tasks are due.
IMPORTANT: The To Do Lists do not convert from version 4. Make sure that all To Do List items are completed or removed before conversion.
IMPORTANT: The Task lists section is not to be used for documentation purposes. Tasks are not a permanent part of the patient record. It is to keep track of tasks for the patient and to send messages or reminders to other users in your workplace.
Access the Tasks Manager

To access the Tasks Manager, Click SOAPware in the menu bar, and Click the Tasks Manager menu item (or Press Control+ T).
Tasks Manager

The Tasks Manager Overview:
1. Switch User Task lists
2. Perform a number of actions with the toolbar
3. Sort Tasks by type
4. Sort Tasks by due date
5. Create a Task layout
6. View the Task list
Task Notes

Tasks can have notes associated with them. These are not notes that can be saved as a part of a patient's chart and will be deleted when the task is completed. To view the note, you can hover your mouse over the note icon to view the message.
Task Item/Information Area
The Tasks information area at the bottom of the Task Manager displays one task item per line/row, and various task characteristics organized/displayed in columns. The tasks characteristics that are displayed can be customized.
* Patient ( patient the task is associated with)
* Description (type of task, i.e. phone call, lab, office visit etc)
* Notes (pertinent information related to specific task)
* Priority (rank of urgency)
* Action/Status (what needs to be/has been done on task)
* Due Date (will default to date created, can be edited)
* Assigned To (person responsible for next action on the task)
* Completed ( when task is completed, checking this box will remove it from the Task List)
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