Patient: Make an Online Payment to the Clinic using a Web Address
Patient Payments
Your patients can make a payment by logging into their myHEALTHware account and clicking on the Payments tab. For instructions on making a payment while logged in to myHEALTHware, please see: Make a Payment to the Clinic in myHEALTHware.
In addition, if the patient doesn't have a myHEALTHware account, they can make a payment as a Guest by going to the link listed in the above screenshot (ex:

Direct your patients to your custom myHEALTHware link to make an online payment. This link was created when you installed the ePay application in myHEALTHware. The link wil appear similar to the following:
Option 1: Login to Pay

The first option for your patients is to Login to myHEALTHware to make a payment. After clicking Login to Pay, the patient will be directed to enter their myHEALTHware Username and Password.

The patient will then be asked to enter the following information for their payment:
- Reference #: This will be the account number, invoice number, or other reference number that the clinic may have provided to the patient on their statement or bill.
- Amount: The patient will enter the amount they wish to pay.
- Comments: The patient can enter any comments to go along with their payment. The patient comments are displayed for the clinic to view.
After entering the above information, the patient will need to add a payment method. See Add a Payment Method below for instructions.
Option 2: Pay as Guest

The first option for your patients is to Pay as Guest. This allows them to make a payment to your clinic without requiring them to log in to myHEALTHware. Clicking on Pay as Guest will take the patient to the Make a Payment screen.
The patient should enter the following information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Reference #: This will be the account number, invoice number, or other reference number that the clinic may have provided to the patient on their statement or bill.
- Amount: The patient will enter the amount they wish to pay.
- Comments: The patient can enter any comments to go along with their payment. The patient comments are displayed for the clinic to view.
After entering the above information, the patient will need to add a payment method. See Add a Payment Method below for instructions.
Add a Payment Method

The patient can enter a payment method of either Credit Card or Bank Account.
- Entering Credit Card Information

When Credit Card is selected, the patient will need to enter their Card Number, Security Code, Expiration Date, Zip Code and the Name on Card. Click Add to enter the payment.
- Entering Bank Account Information
If the patient chooses to use a Bank Account as their payment method, they will have two options to verify their account information.
Option 1: The patient can sign in to their online bank account. This option is available only for the banks listed.
Option 2: The second option is to manually verify their bank account by allowing two micro-deposit to the account.
*Note: If the patient is making a payment without logging in to myHEALTHware (ie: a Guest Payment), they will not have the option to manually verify their bank account informaiton. They must use either the Credit Card method or sign in to an account with one of the available banks listed above.
- Manually Verify Bank Account

Choosing the option to manually verify the bank account will prompt the patient to enter their bank account information, as seen in the screenshot above.
Once this information is added, two small deposits will be made into the bank account within 1-2 business days. The patient will need to review the deposits and return to myHEALTHware to verify the account before any payments can be accepted from the account.
Finalize the Payment

Once a payment method has been entered, it will display at the bottom of the Make a Payment window. To confirm the payment, the patient will click the Pay button.
- Payment Confirmation

A payment confirmation window will display that includes a confirmation number for reference.
The patient can also choose to email a receipt for the patient to the email address displayed or entered. Click OK to finish.
- Patient Receipt

The patient is emailed a receipt for their payment. See example of a receipt above.
Viewing Payment History
A patient can view a history of their past payments by clicking the Payments tab. The view of payments can be filtered to view All, Archived, or Unread payments. In addition, the patients can filter their view by payment date.
- View Payment Details

To view the payment details, the patient can click the arrow to expand the information. The details will display the status date of the payment, the type of payment, the reference number, confirmation number, and amount of the payment.
Payment Actions

The Actions menu contains the following options for the patient:
- Make a Payment: The patient can make another payment to the clinic.
- Manage Payment: The patient can edit their payment method or add a new payment method.
- View Receipt: The patient can view and print a receipt for the payment.
- Download Receipt: The patient can download their receipt to their computer.
- Mark as Unread/Read: The patient can mark the payment as either Unread or Read.
- Archive Payment: If the patient wishes to remove the payment from the main view, they can Archive the payment, which will file it into an archive folder.