Invite Patients to Enroll in myHEALTHware using Voice Call

Q: How do I enroll a patient in myHEALTHware using a voice message?

New myHEALTHware Patient Enrollment Options

Based on feedback from our users, SOAPware is announcing the new alternative enrollment options for myHEALTHware!

There are now three (3) options for enrolling your clinic staff and your patients in myHEALTHware. These include:

  1. Enroll by Email
  2. Enroll by Text Message
  3. Enroll by Voice Call

Follow the instructions below to enroll patients using the desired enrollment option.

Option 2: Enroll Patients by Text Call

1. Enter the Patients Phone Number

1. Enter the Patients Phone Number

To invite a patient to enroll in myHEALTHware using a voice call, open the chart and enter the patient's voice capable phone number into the corresponding Phone field within Demographics (use Home, Work or Cell Phone field).

2. Send the Patient a myHEALTHware Invitation

2. Send the Patient a myHEALTHware Invitation

To send an invitation to a patient using a text message:

  1. Click the myHEALTHware icon located on the patient chart tab.
  2. Click the Phone Receiver icon.
  3. Enter the patients phone number.
  4. Click the Invite button.

The patient will receive a phone call and a voice message that says: "(Clinic Name) has invited you to connect on myHEALTHware. To accept this invitation, use access code: ######. Again that's ######. Thank you for using myHEALTHware". Once the patient is ready to complete their registration, they should pull up an internet browser on their computer and go to They will then follow the steps detailed in the "Accept Invitation from a Text Message or Voice Call Invitation" step below.

3. Invitation Pending Acceptance

3. Invitation Pending Acceptance

Once the invitation has been sent to the patient, the myHEALTHware status will display as "Invitation Pending Acceptance" (see the screen shot above). It will remain in this status until the patient has accepted the invitation and completed the myHEALTHware registration process.

4. Patient: Accept Voice Call Invitation

4. Patient: Accept Voice Call Invitation

From the myHEALTHware website, patients will click on the Accept Invitation button that is located under the Log In boxes.

- Enter Phone Number

- Enter Phone Number

The patient will enter the phone number from which they received the invitation.

- Enter Invite Access Code

- Enter Invite Access Code

Next, the patient will enter the access code that they received in the invitation voice message, then click Continue.

5. Patient: Log In or Create a New Account

5. Patient: Log In or Create a New Account

Next, the patient will be asked to either:

  • Log In to myHEALTHware using an existing account or
  • Sign Up with myHEALTHware by creating a new account.

- Sign Up

- Sign Up

Clicking the Sign Up button will allow the patient to create a new myHEALTHware account.  This will also connect their myHEALTHware account to their SOAPware chart.  

The patient will need to complete the following information:

  • Birthday
  • Gender
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Create a New User name
  • Create a New Password
  • Confirm Password

The patient must also read and agree to the myHEALTHware Terms & Conditions.  After completing this information, the patient should press the Continue button to proceed.

- Log In

- Log In

Clicking the Log In button will allow the patient to enter their existing myHEALTHware user name and password and connect their existing myHEALTHware account to your clinic's organization and their SOAPware chart.

6. Patient: Log In

6. Patient: Log In

After completing the registration process, the patient will log in to myHEALTHware.

The patient can also log in to myHEALTHware by entering their new user name and password at

7. Patient Connected!

7. Patient Connected!

Congratulations!  Your patient is now connected to your myHEALTHware organization.  Once the patient is connected, the myHEALTHware status will display as "Basic Patient" or "Premium Patient" (see the screen shot above).

You can now send communication to this patient using the Start a New Conversation feature.  In addition, you can upload a Summary for your patient to review as documents are signed off.