Ask a Medical Question using the myHEALTHware App
Ask A Medical Question

The myHEALTHware app allows patients to submit a medical question to their connected clinic (requires that clinics have activated this feature for patients).
A patient can submit a medical question to the clinic by logging in to the myHEALTHware app and taping on the New Message button. Select Ask A Medical Question.
- New Message

A New Message dialog will appear with the clinic name defaulted as the Send To:. To modify the clinic selected, tap on the To: column, otherwise, continue to enter the Topic and Message.

Enter the Topic and Message for the conversation. If you wish to add an attachment to the conversation, click Add Attachment.
- Add Attachment

After clicking on Add Attachment, you will be given several options for including an attachment on your conversation.
- Photo Library: Attach a photo that is saved to the Photo Library on your device.
- Take Photo: Access your device camera to take a new photo and attach it to the conversation.
- Record Audio: Access the microphone on your device to attach an audio recording to the conversation.
- Select from Drive: Access your myHEALTHware Drive storage folders to include a saved document or file as an attachment to the conversation.