Start a New Conversation
Q: How do I start a new conversation with a patient?
1. Start a New Conversation
- If you wish to send a conversation on behalf of your clinic to a patient, ensure that you have the clinic selected from the "You are acting as" drop-down.
- Click on the New Conversation button.
2. Enter New Conversation Information

- To: Begin typing the name of the user you would like to send the conversation to. *Note: New conversations can only be sent to users to whom you have as a contact and are connected to on myHEALTHware. For information on how to add a new connected contact, please see: Invite a Contact to Connect with you on myHEALTHware. For instructions on inviting a patient to connect in myHEALTHware, please see: Managing Patient Accounts in myHEALTHware.
- Topic: Enter a topic for your conversation.
- Message: Type your message to the patient in the box provided.
- Attachments: If desired, click the Attach a File button to include an attachment. For instructions on attaching a file to a conversation, please see: Attach a File to a Conversation.
- Click Send.
3. Message Stored to Conversations Inbox
The new conversation will be stored in your Conversations inbox.