Add an Electronic Signature to a Fax
1. Import the Signature in you myHEALTHware Profile
Before you can add an electronic signature to a fax document, you will need to import your signature into your myHEALTHware profile. To import your signature, follow the steps below:
- Log in to myHEALTHware.
- Click on your Profile image.
- Click on Add a signature.
2. Upload Signature

Drag and drop your signature into the upload box or click the Upload button to select your signature from a file on your computer.
- Locate Image File and Open

Locate the image file on your computer, then click Open.
- Signature Saved

Your image will be uploaded to myHEALTHware and displayed in the Signature section.
3. Add Signature to Fax
To add your electronic signature to a fax:
- Click on the Fax tab.
- Select the fax or page that you wish to edit.
- Click Edit Pages to add your signature to the selected page(s).
From within the Fax Editor:
- Click the Signature icon.
- Click on the fax document in the place that you would like your signature placed. The image of your signature will appear on the document. You can resize or rotate the image if needed.
- In addition, a text line will be placed at the footer of the fax that reads "This document was electronically signed using myHEALTHware on "Day Month Date Time".
4. Insert Signed Fax into Patient Chart
Now that the document has been electronically signed, you can save it directly to a patients chart.
- Click Menu.
- Click Download.
5. Edited Fax Document Saved in Patient Chart

The edited fax document has now been saved to the patient chart!