Post a Superbill/Billing Statement from Patient Chart
Post a Superbill/Billing Statement from Chart

1. An encounter/visit should already be documented in the SOAP note section of the Patient Chart. Structured SMARText items must be used in the Plan and Assessment fields as shown in the screenshot.
2. Click to view Billing Statement.
3. Click the Post Superbill icon.
4. Dialog will display with message The superbill was successfully posted. Click the OK button
5. Go to the main menu and Click Billing
Open Patient Account in Billing

6. From the Billing menu Click Patient Account to open the Chart Rack
7. Search Chart Rack for Patient Account. This example shows search by Name. Begin Typing patient last name until the patient is visible in the list of patients
8. Click to highlight Patient from the Chart Rack list and then Click Select. Patient account will open
View Posted charges in New Charges Tab
Patient account will open to the New Charges Tab when a Superbill has been posted to Billing. The upper section displays Patient demographic details and Personal/Family account balances.
The Center section lists Visit details as documented in the SOAP note section of the patient chart. Charges are added for the Procedure Codes and can be edited by Double Clicking on the line of the charge as described in the Edit/Update Charges lesson. Payments, Adjustments and Additional Charges can be added manually, as needed.
The bottom section allows the user to:
1. Set follow up action for the claim. If insurance information is entered in the Patient Demographics, this will default to Submit to Insurance.
2. Check as Incomplete, allowing the user to close out of the account and come back later to finish the check out process.
3. Print a Receipt when the visit is posted to the ledger.
4. Displays Doctor Comments typed in Billing Statement Tab.
5. Type free text Comments pertaining to the claim (informational only)
6. Add personal Payment to account
7. Post transactions to Patients Ledger