13. Contacts/Referring Physicians (Block 17)
Tools -> Contacts
Additional information in SOAPedia
Add a new Contact/Referring Physician

1. Click Add New Contact button to create a new contact.
Note: To edit an existing Contact, double click on contact name to open Edit Contact Information dialog. To delete a contact, click on the X next to contact name.

1. Contact Information: Complete the Contact's basic demographic information.
2. Provider Information: Enter the referring physician's NPI, Specialty and Taxonomy code.
3. Insurance Information: If any legacy IDs are needed for referrals when filing with certain insurance companies, you can enter these IDs under Insurance Information. See below steps for adding a legacy ID.
Insurance Information

3. Click the New Insurance Mapping button in the Insurance Information section to open the Select Insurance Company dialog.
4. Click the Drop Down button to display a list of available Insurance companies.
Note: Most insurance companies require only the NPI number of the Referring Provider. If the selected insurance company requires a legacy number or Taxonomy Code, proceed to step 5. If not, the Contact setup is complete for this Referring Provider.
Add Legacy IDs/Taxonomy Codes

To access the list of Taxonomy Codes, Click on the link http://www.wpc-edi.com/content/view/793/1
5. Click the Drop-down button to display the list of different types of legacy numbers, including Taxonomy Codes followed by the legacy number ID Qualifier.
6. Type the Legacy number and then Click Save.