Apply Payment to Patient Account in New Charges Tab
Apply Payment to New Charges

Apply Payment to charges in the New Charges Tab at Checkout. Payments should be applied prior to Posting new Charges to ledger. Payments can be applied to current charges and/or previous visits from the Make Payment dialog. After current Charges are edited and verified for accuracy, Click the Add Payment button to open Make Payment dialog.
Apply Payment to New Charge

Payer Details Payer defaults to the Guarantor information, and can be edited to select a different payer
1. Payment Details Manual entry. Visits are inactivated until a Payment Amount is entered. Once an amount is typed into the field, the payment can be applied to the charges
Select method to apply Payment:
2. Disburse To automatically apply this payment, Click the Disburse button. This will post to the oldest outstanding charge in the patient account and continue with the next oldest account until the entire Payment amount is exhausted.
3. Pay All To apply payment to all outstanding charges on account at one time, Click the Pay All button.
4. Pay Individual line item Charge To apply payment to current charge or selected charges, Click the Arrow in the Applied Column. The payment amount will automatically populate the field, and can be edited to spread the payment to other charges
Apply Payment to Visits/Charges

5. Apply Payment to Charges.This is a screenshot of one payment applied to two different charges. By Clicking on the arrows in the applied column, $50 was applied to each charge. As the Payment is applied, the Remaining amount is reduced by the applied amount.
To make corrections, the Clear Applied button will remove current payments applied and reset the Amount.
6. Click Save to return to the New Charges Tab and Post transaction to patients Ledger
Change Payer

In the Make Payment dialog, Payer will Default to the Patient information. If someone other than the patient is remitting payment for the account, that information can be entered here for tracking payments/refund information, etc.
To remove the payer and add a new one, Click the X next to the Payer name.
Create a New Payer

Click + to add a new Payer or ... to search existing list of Payer/Non Patient accounts
New Payer details

Enter Payer details and then Click the Save button
Add Payment Details

1. Enter Payment details including Payment method and amount of payment. As you type the payment amount, the lower portion listing the patient visits is activated.
2. If a Guarantor/Payer payment is to be applied to additional patients in the system, Click the Add Patient button or select a dependent from the Add Dependent list
3. Apply payment amount to several charges with one click. Payment will be applied to charges beginning with the oldest outstanding balance