Omit a charge from claim when refiling
Omit a paid procedure from a claim when resubmitting unpaid charges to insurance.
Billing -> Post Insurance Payments
Refile only denied charges to Insurance
1. Comment Reason for denial
2. Apply payment amount to paid charge(s).
3. Set Next Action to Refile.
4. Double Click on line of paid charge(s) to open Charge Details.
Omit Paid Charges

5. Place a check mark to Omit from Claim.
6. Click Save.
Post Payment to ledger

7. Save Claim and then Post Payment to ledger. Claim will move to Pending Scrub section of Claims Manager.
Rebuild Claim
Go to Billing -> Claims Manager
8. Locate claim in Claims manager. Change Claim Status to On Hold
9. Rebuild Claim to save claim changes.
10. Submit Selected to Resubmit claim.
Note: If not ready to resubmit claim, it can be put On Hold, Rebuild, Scrub and leave in Ready to Submit section until time to upload file.
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