A/R Carrier Report
Provides both a summary and detailed report (by patient) showing the amount of accounts receivable pending with each insurance company (carrier).
A/R Carrier Report Options

1. Group/Provider: Select a specific provider or group by which to run the report.
2. Breakdown by Provider: If a Group is selected from the drop down and Breakdown by Provider is checked, the report will show the group activity, broken down by the individual providers within the Group.
3. Show Patient Details: Will provide the specific patient charges that make up each Carrier A/R. If you are wanting a summary report of the total A/R for each carrier, leave the box unchecked.
4. Click Ok to run the report.
Sample Carrier A/R report, for a Group, broken down by Provider (Summary Report)

To Run the above report:
-Select a specific Group from the Group/Provider dropdown.
-Check Breakdown by Provider.
-Leave Show Patient Details unchecked.
1. Provider/Group: The Group selected for the report.
2. The Provider Summary within the Group.
3. The Insurance Company (Carrier) A/R.
4. Indicating the total amount of A/R by aging category for claims that are filed as Primary claims with the Insurance Company.
5. Summary data for the Provider's total Carrier A/R, being held in Primary claim submissions and Secondary claim submissions.
6. Totals for the Provider's Carrier A/R for both Primary and Secondary Claim submissions (when both are applicable).
7. Percentages of the Total Carrier A/R for the Provider, broken down by aging category.
Sample Carrier A/R Report by Group, broken down by Provider and showing Patient Details.

To run the above report,
-Select a Group from the Group/Provider dropdown.
-Check Breakdown by Provider.
-Check Show Patient Details.
1. Provider/Group: Indicates the Group that was selected for the report.
2. Provider: Information is broken down by Provider, and indicates who the below A/R is referencing. (Shown due to Breakdown by Provider being checked.)
3. Carrier: The Insurance Company Name that the A/R is referencing.
4. Patient: The Patient charge detail that is comprising the total A/R.
- File With: (P for Primary or S for Secondary) Will indicate whether the insurance company above was being filed with as Primary or Secondary for the particular procedure code.
(For Example, the above sample report would indicate that BCBS was filed with as Primary for the code 00120 and $90 is 120 days past due.)
- CPT: the procedure code included in the claim
- Date of Service: Date of Service for the procedure code
- Submitted: The date that the procedure was last submitted/filed with insurance.
- A/R breakdown: by Current (0-30), 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, 91-120 Days, and Over 120 Days.
5. Total: Provides the Total Carrier A/R for the patient, with the specific Insurance Company listed above.
Sample Carrier A/R report for a Single Provider with No Patient Details (Summary Report)

To Run the above report:
-Select a specific Provider from the Group/Provider dropdown.
- Leave other checkboxes blank (unchecked).
1. Provider/Group: The Provider selected for the report.
2. The Insurance Company (Carrier)
3. Indicating the total amount of A/R by aging category for claims that are filed as Primary claims with the Insurance Company.
4. Indicating the total amount of A/R by aging category for claims that are files as Secondary claims with the Insurance Company.
5. Summary data for the Provider's total Carrier A/R, being held in Primary claim submissions and Secondary claim submissions.
6. Totals for the Provider's Carrier A/R for both Primary and Secondary Claim submissions.
7. Percentages of the Total Carrier A/R for the Provider, broken down by aging category.
Sample Carrier A/R report by Provider, with Patient Detail

To run the above report,
-Select a Provider from the Group/Provider dropdown.
-Leave Breakdown by Provider unchecked.
-Check Show Patient Details.
1. Provider/Group: Indicates the Provider that was selected for the report.
2. Carrier: The Insurance Company Name that the A/R is referencing.
3. Patient: The Patient charge detail that is comprising the total A/R.
- File With: (P for Primary or S for Secondary) Will indicate whether the insurance company above was being filed with as Primary or Secondary for the particular procedure code. (For Example, the above sample report would indicate that BCBS was filed with as Primary for the code 00120 and $90 is 120 days past due.)
- CPT: the procedure code included in the claim
- Date of Service: Date of Service for the procedure code
- Submitted: The date that the procedure was last submitted/filed with insurance.
- A/R breakdown: by Current (0-30), 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, 91-120 Days, and Over 120 Days.
5. Total: Provides the Total Carrier A/R for the patient, with the specific Insurance Company listed above.
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