10. Custom Charges Maintenance
Tools menu -> Billing Maintenance -> Custom Charges Maintenance
Custom Charges Maintenance

Add a Custom Charge

1. Click the Green + to open the New Code dialog.

1. Type new Code using numeric and/or alpha characters.
2. Type a Short Description for the code.
3. Type a Medium Description. (optional)
4. Type a Long Description. (optional)
5. Place a check mark in the box if item or service is taxable.
6. Click Add. New Custom Charge is now added to the Custom Charges List.
Inactivate a Custom Charge
1. To inactivate a Custom Code and delete it from the Code List, Place a check mark in the Inactive box.
2. Click Save.
Note: This will not completely remove it from the data base, but will hide it from view if there is also a check mark in
the Hide Inactive Codes option.
Custom Charge Search by Code
Begin typing the Custom Charge code in the Code Search and as you type, the codes and short descriptions are
Custom Charge Search by Description
Begin typing the Custom Charge description in the Short Description Search and as you type, the codes and short
descriptions are listed.
Custom Charge Effective, Modified and Deactivation Date
1. Effective date column lists the year the code is in effect.
2. Modified Date column lists the date the code was last modified.
3. When a Custom Charge code is discontinued Deactivation Date column will list the date it was discontinued.
Note: The dates are automatically inserted when the code is modified or updated.
Hide/Show inactive Custom Charges
If a code had been Inactivated and is no longer going to be used it can be removed from the Code List
by placing a check mark in the Hide Inactive Codes box.