Provider/Resource Recurrences
Setup recurring appointments for Providers and Resources to block out their schedule in the intervals selected and not allow any other appointments to be scheduled.
Open the Facility Manager

1. Click on the Tools menu.
2. Select Manage Facilities.
Edit a Facility

1. Select a Facility.
2. Click the Edit Facility button.
Select the Scheduler Tab

Click on the Scheduler Tab.
Select a Provider or Resource to Edit

1. Click to select a Physician.
2. Click the Edit Provider Information button.
Note: This is the same process for Resources. To Edit a Resource, just click the tab Resources and follow the above steps.
Open Recurrence Tab

Click on the Recurrence tab.
Create a Recurrence

Click the Add Recurrence.
Setup the Recurrence.

Appointment Time: Set the Start Time and End Time for the specific recurrence.
Recurrence Pattern: You can set the intervals for the recurrence in this area. Below are the option:
Daily: Setup the number of day intervals between occurrences or select to have the appointment set for every weekday (Monday - Friday).
Weekly: Setup the number of week intervals between occurrences and check the specific days of the week for the appointment to occur.
Monthly: Create the appointment on a particular day in month intervals (for example, every 5th day of every 3rd month, with the numbers being able to be customized by you). You can also indicate a particular day of every month for the appointment to occur.
Yearly: Indicate every Month and Day for the year year or indicate the (first, second, third, fourth or last) (day, weekday, weekend day, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday) of a select Month.
Range of Recurrences: Set recurrence to start by a certain date and end either after a set number of occurrences or by a set end date.
Comments: Name the recurrence in this field. The text entered here will be what is shown on the Recurrence from the Schedule.
Click Save. Repeat this for each recurrence needed for each Provider/Resource needed.