14. Setting Default Claim Options/Base Export Path
Setup how paper and electronic claims are exported from the system.
Tools -> Options -> Billing Statement
Paper Claim Defaults

1. If checked, Accept Assignment box #27 will default to checked Yes on claim forms.
2. If not using preprinted CMS 1500 form, check Print Full CMS form to print the entire claim form, including the red lines (must have color printer).
3. Click drop down box to select the default printer for printing paper claims.
Electronic Claim Defaults

1. Set the default folder to which claim files will be exported, and uploaded to GatewayEDI.
2. Type name and phone number of a contact person within the clinic to answer any questions regarding the claim file. This information is required and is included in the electronic claim file.
Note: The Office Contact name and Office Contact Phone setup is user specific and will have to be set up for each user or the claim files will reject for missing information.
3. This box can be left unchecked. Files do not have to indicate test or production when uploaded to Gateway EDI.
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