Statement Report
This Statement manager allows reports to be run both in group or individually by patient or guarantor.
Statement Report Options

1. Set a minimum balance by which to send statements out. This will not allow any statement to print if the balance is less than the minimal set here.
2. Print batch statements by Group.
3. Print individual statements for a select Patient.
4. Print individual statements by a select Guarantor.
5. Run batch statements alphabetically by Patient Last Name Range.
6. Check to not include charges that are pending insurance.
7. Type a free text message for the statements. This message will print at the bottom of each statement included in the process.
8. Adjust printing line up as need.
9. Click Okay when finished.
Sample Statement

Sample Statement Report
New in 2010.3:
Statements now show insurance payments as "INS PYMT" and insurance adjustments as "INS ADJ".
Added insurance company name to insurance payment line items.
Statements now preview in bulk before printing.
Statements are grouped by guarantor.
Users may now add a note to all statements run in a batch.
Statements will not run for a provider if he is not linked to a group.
When generating batch statements, users can set the top margin between 1/10th of an inch to 3 inches.
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