Print Receipt for Payment in Ledger
Apply a personal payment from patient ledger and print a receipt. Receipt for payment now showing more details. For this lesson, we will apply a payment made by a Payer/Non-Patient to three separate dependents accounts from one dependent account.
Apply Payment to multiple dependents from ledger
1. Click on Ledger tab in patient account.
2. Click on Add Payment.
Select multiple dependent accounts

3. Verify payer name.
4. Enter payment details.
5. Click Add Patient. Select dependent from chart rack and repeat for each dependent.
Apply payment to each dependent visit
6. Click inside the grid in Applied column to apply payment to charge and repeat for each dependent account.
Print a receipt for personal payment made in patient ledger

When a payment is applied to an account from the ledger, the Print Receipt after Saving will be checked by default. If a printed receipt is not necessary, click inside the box and leave blank.