9. ePrescribing (eRx)
This lesson will demonstrate the steps necessary to meet the Meaningful Use requirement for ePrescribing.
Version: SOAPware 2011 or later must be used.
*Note: To determine the version of SOAPware being used, Click on Help > About SOAPware. This will open a window which will show the version and build of SOAPware currently in use.
Clicking the submit button will automatically send an electronic copy of the script (based on the Tools - Options settings for Rx Transmission).
This requirement will be tracked via the Meaningful Use Dashboard.
Measure Criteria
Objective: Generate and transmit permissible prescriptions electronically (eRx).
Measure: More than 40% of all permissible prescriptions written by the eligible provider are transmitted electronically using certified EHR technology.
For more detailed information on this measure, please click on the "Reference" link below. This CMS documentation includes information on exclusions, attestation requirements, a definition of terms and important additional information.
Reference CMS: e-Prescribing (eRx)
CMS Stage 1 Changes
Beginning in 2013, CMS had added an additional exclusion to the objective for ePrescribing.
For more information on the Stage 1 changes and the newly added ePrescribing exclusion, please see: Stage 1 Changes Tipsheet.
Measurement Calculation
Denominator: The number of prescriptions written and submitted via printing, faxing or ePrescribing within Rx Manager during the reporting period (excluding scheduled medications).
Numerator: The number of prescriptions in the denominator that were submitted via ePrescribing.
Threshold: The resulting percentage must be more than 40%.
*Note: Scoring is individual, provider-based and not practice-wide.
Setting Up Your Pharmacies

In order for an electronic prescription to be submitted to a Pharmacy, the Pharmacy must be downloaded into SOAPware from the Sure Scripts network. For information on how to download Pharmacies see: Pharmacy Setup.
Using Structured Medications in the SOAPnote

In order to ePrescribe, users must first enter the structured SMARText medications into the SOAPnote Medications field. Inserting structured items into the SOAPnote Medication Field will require using one of the methods discussed here: SMARText Data Entry Methods.
ePrescribing Workflow and Rx Manager
Once the Medication has been entered into the SOAPnote Medications field using SMARText, the user can then ePrescribe the medication using the SOAPware Rx Manager.
To open Rx Manager, press the F8 key on the keyboard. Please view the following chapter on ePrescribing for further details on how to ePrescribe in SOAPware, see: ePrescribing.
To learn about the workflow for ePrescribing, see: eRx Workflow.
Rx Transmission Settings in Tools - Options

In order for the Rx Manager Submit button to be set to ePrescribe as the users default action, some options must be specified.
1. To set the default submission for Rx Manager to ePrescribing for non-scheduled medications, change the Default setting by going to Tools > Options > Structured Rx > Rx Transmission and selecting eRx.
2. Users can also set the default submission for Rx Manager for scheduled medications as shown above.
With these settings, the defaults are set for what action SOAPware will take when a user clicks the Submit button.
If the Tools > Options settings are set to default as shown above, when the Submit button in Rx Manager is selected, the prescription will be sent electronically for non-scheduled medications (assuming a Pharmacy has been selected that accepts eRx) and will be counted towards the meaningful use statistics for this measure.
Meaningful Use Dashboard

This measure is tracked in the Meaningful Use Dashboard under "ePrescribing". In SOAPware versions prior to 2012.0.313, this item will be listed in the Patient MU Dashboard as "Patient ePrescribe".
The Meaningful Use Dashboard can be accessed by selecting SOAPware > Meaningful Use Dashboard.
The Meaningful Use Dashboard will display the Numerator, Denominator and percentage for this measure, as well as, graph the Trend for the dates selected. Please see the following link for instructions on using the Meaningful Use Dashboard: Meaningful Use Dashboard.
*Note: The dashboard icon will display a gray X if the threshold for this measure has not been met for the selected reporting period. The icon will change to a green check mark once the threshold for the meaningful use measure has been met.
Ohio Based ePrescribing Entities
Click on each of the following links for more information regarding Ohio Prescribing requirements: