13. Clinical Decision Support Rule
This lesson will demonstrate the steps necessary to meet the Meaningful Use requirement for One Clinical Decision Support Rule.
SOAPware 2011 or later must be used.
Note: To determine the version of SOAPware being used, Click on Help > About SOAPware. This will open a window which will show the version and build of SOAPware currently in use.
Implement one clinical decision support rule and have the ability to track compliance with the rule. This will need to be an automated, electronic rule based on data elements included in the problem list, medication list, demographics, and lab test results. Notifications also need to be automatically and electronically generated to indicate real-time notifications and care suggestions based on the rule.
Measurement will be self-attestation that at least one Clinical Alert is active during the reporting period. To meet this requirement, use SOAPware's Clinical Alerts to create and track a rule.
Measure Criteria
Objective: Implement one clinical decision support rule relevant to specialty or high clinical priority along with the ability to track compliance with that rule.
Measure: Implement one clinical decision support rule.
For more detailed information on this measure, please Click on the "Reference" link below. This CMS documentation includes information on exclusions, attestation requirements, a definition of terms and important additional information.
Reference CMS: Clinical Decision Support Rule
Measure Calculation
This Meaningful Use measure requires that the eligible professional must attest YES to having implemented one clinical decision support rule for the length of the reporting period to meet the measure.
This measure is not tracked within the SOAPware Meaningful Use dashboards.
For more information on the attestation requirements for this measure, please see: CMS: Clinical Decision Support Rule.
Clinical Alerts
To meet this Meaningful Use measure, users need to create and implement one clinical alert that is relevant to specialty or high clinical priority and track the compliance with that rule. To learn how to create and use clinical alerts within SOAPware, see: Clinical Alerts.
Clinical Alerts Display

The alert results is a pop-up that notifies the user that a new SMARTflow result has been received (ie: a Clinical Alert has been triggered for the patient). Clicking on "New SMARTflow results have been received" within the pop-up will direct the user to the Workflow Display Manager.
Workflow Display Manager

1. If there are multiple items listed in the workflow display, a user has the ability to sort results by clicking on the Category column header. A user can also group items through the Category column, based on the user's interests.
2. The top line displays the core information.
3. Details are displayed in the second column.
**Note: The Workflow Display Manager can be docked tab and moved to any of the four edges of the Chart workspace. Users can also leave the Workflow Display Manager floating if desired.