Meaningful Use Dashboard (2011)
The Meaningful Use Dashboard allows Providers to view, export and trend Meaningful Use usage statistics.
Access the Meaningful Use Dashboard

To open then Meaningful Use Dashboard, click on the Soapware menu then select Meaningful Use Dashboard.
Select a Provider to View

Using the drop-down menu, select the Provider that you wish to view meaningful use statistics for.
Select a Reporting Period Type (90 Day or Year to Date)

Statistics can be updated for a 90 day reporting period or a Year to Date reporting period. Select the desired option by clicking the radio button located to the left of the desired selection.
- Users who are in their first year of Meaningful Use attestation should select the 90 Days button.
- Users who are in their second or subsequent years of Meaningful Use attestation should select the Year to Date button to view statistics for January 1st to the current date.
Select Providers to Update Statistics

Statistics can be updated for an individual provider, multiple selected providers, or for all providers in the clinic:
- Individual Provider: To update the meaningful use statistics for an individual provider, click the drop down menu next to the Update Statistics button and place a check mark next to the inidividual providers name.
- Multiple Selected Providers: To update the meaningful use statistics for multiple selected providers, click the drop down menu next to the Update Statistics button and place a check mark next to each providers name that you wish to udpate statistics for.
- All Providers: If you wish to update the statistics for all providers in the clinic, click the drop down menu next to the Update Statistics button and then click the Select All button.
By default, this setting will be set to update statistics for All Providers. Once a user had made changes within the Update Statistics drop-down menu, the new settings will be saved for the user so that each time they return to the Meaningful Use dashboard, the Update Statistics provider selections will remain the same.
Update Statistics

Click the Update Statistics button to run the report. SOAPware will scan the database to report the appropriate statistics.
IMPORTANT: Update Statistics must be run for each provider on the final day of the provider's reporting period. If the statistics are not run on the final day of the provider's reporting period, the statistics will not be accurate.
Switching Providers to View

If a user would like to view the Meaningful Use statistics for another provider, simply select the provider using the drop-down menu.
Reporting Period Snapshot Date

The Reporting Period Snapshot will display the Start Date and End Date for the meaningful use statistics that are displayed. The Start Date field is not editable. When a user selects an End Date, the dashboard will automatically calculate the Start Date for the reporting period.
The Start Date will be calculated based on the provider's Reporting Period selection (90 days or Year to Date):
- 90 Days: The Start Date is 90 days prior to the End Date. The End Date is the current date.
- Year to Date: The Start Date is January 1st of the current year. The End Date is the current date.
The Update Statistics function can ONLY be run for the current date. Users cannot select an End Date from the past and update statistics for that previous reporting period. Therefore, it is VERY important that the provider click the Update Statistics button on the final day of their selected reporting period.
If the user wishes to view a snapshot that was run on a previous day, use the calendar drop-down menu to select the snapshot date that you wish to review. Dates that are bolded indicate a snapshot was run on that date and can be viewed.
Meaningful Use Items List

Under the reporting period snapshot date, meaningful use items will be listed.
- Green Check: Indicates that the selected provider has met the required threshold for the meaningful use objective.
- Gray X: Indicates that the selected provider has not met the required threshold for the meaningful use objective.
A user is also able to view the percentage met for a particular provider, as well as the numerator and denominator, to the right of the Meaningful Use item.
Export the Meaningful Use Report
It is recommended that the provider export a copy of the final meaningful use statistics that will be used during attestation. To export the provider's meaningful use statistics for the selected reporting period:
- Click the Export button.
- Select to export the report Without patient detail or With patient detail. If you select to export the report with patient detail, this will export two separate files in XLS or CSV format. The first file will contain a report that includes a Summary of the provider's MU statistics. The second file will contain a patient detail report that lists detail for each patient included in all MU numerators/denominators. See the steps below for more information on this report.
- Using the drop-down menu, select the File Type for the export. For the "Without patient detail" report, users may choose between XLS (Excel), PDF, HTML, or CSV. For the "With patient detail" report, users may choose between XLS or CSV.
- Click Export to generate and export the report.
It is recommended that all providers export a copy of the Meaningful Use statistics on the final day of their reporting period. This report should be stored with the providers Meaningful Use documentation in case of an audit.
MU Statistics Export Without Patient Detail

The above image is an example of an exported MU Statistics report that does not include patient detail. This report will include the selected report date range, provider name, and a list of each MU measure with the corresponding numerator, denominator and percentage.
This report should be exported at the end of the Eligible Provider's reporting period and stored with the provider's Meaningful Use documentation in case it is needed for audit.
MU Statistics Export With Patient Detail
The above image is an example of an exported MU Statistics report that includes patient detail. This export will include a Summary report, as well as a Patient Detail report. The Summary report and Patient Detail report are exported as separate files.
- Summary Report: The summary report includes the selected report date range, provider name, and a list of each MU measure with the corresponding numerator, denominator and percentage. This report should be exported at the end of the Eligible Provider's reporting period and stored with the provider's Meaningful Use documentation in case it is needed for audit.
- Patient Detail Report: The patient detail report includes a list of Meaningful Use measures along with the patient information for patients included in the numerator or the denominator for that measure. The patient detail information includes the following items: numerator, denominator, %, Last name, First name, Chart #, DOB, Phone, Street, City, ST, Zip, Email, Sex, Race, Ethnicity, Language, Last Encounter date and time, Primary Insurance.
Trend Graph
The Meaningful Use Dashboard allows users to view a graph of the trend for each meaningful use requirement that is listed on the dashboard. To view the graph:
- Highlight the Meaningful Use measure that you wish to view a trend graph for.
- The trend graph will display based on the measure and reporting period snapshot dates selected.
- The red line represents the denominator for the measure.
- The green line represents the numerator for the measure.
- The orange bar represents the percentage met for the measure.
Viewing Adjustments
The MU dashboard will automatically calculate each MU criteria as interpreted by the actions and documentation performed in SOAPware. In some instances providers might interpret a measure differently. Adjustments are made on the Patient MU dashboard within the Chart workspace at the point of care.
The adjustments feature gives the provider the opportunity to manually track Meaningful Use items that they feel did not calculate according to their individual interpretation at the point of care. Adjustments made will not change the automatic calculation by SOAPware but does track adjustments and allows users to print at the time of self attestation. The eligible provider will be responsible for manually making adjustments at the time of self attestation and will be responsible in tracking the manual adjustment made, along with the reason they were made, in case of a future audit.
To view and export adjustments made at the point of care, select a Provider, then click on the Adjustments button.
Printing Adjustments
After the Adjustments button is clicked, the user is now presented with the Print Adjustments dialog where the Start Date and End Date for the adjustments report can be selected. By default, the Start Date and End Date will be populated with the provider's selected reporting period (90 day or Year to Date). After verifying the dates for the report, the user can preview the report prior to printing by clicking the Preview button.
Adjustments will display the date that the adjustments was entered, along with the patient name and numerator/denominator adjustment.
- To print the report click on the Print button.
- If the user wishes to export the report (to PDF, CSV, etc.) click the drop down menu and select the desired method of export.
If adjustments are recorded, this report should be generated at the end of the Eligible Provider's reporting period and stored with the provider's Meaningful Use documentation in case it is needed for audit.
Granting Security Access for Meaningful Use Dashboard

Only a user that has administrator rights will have the ability to set up security access for users to the Meaningful Use Dashboard. Click here for instructions on changing security privileges for Roles/Groups.
Keeping Support Documentation for Meaningful Use Audits
Providers who attest to Meaningful Use for either the Medicare or Medicaid EHR Incentive Program may potentially be selected for an audit.
It is the providers responsibility to maintain supporting documentation in case of a future audit. For more information on maintaining the appropriate supporting documentation for audits, please refer to the following guidance from CMS: EHR Incentive Programs Supporting Documentation for Audits.
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