5. Medication Allergy List
This lesson will demonstrate the steps necessary to meet the Meaningful Use requirement for maintaining a medication allergy list.
SOAPware 2011 or later must be used.
Note: To determine the version of SOAPware being used, Click on Help > About SOAPware. This will open a window which will show the version and build of SOAPware currently in use.
This requirement will be tracked in the MU Patient Dashboard and the Meaningful Use Dashboard.
Measure Criteria
Objective: Maintain active medication allergy list.
Measure: More than 80% of all unique patients seen by the eligible provider have at least one entry (or an indication that the patient has no known medication allergies) recorded as structured data.
For more detailed information on this measure, please click on the "Reference" link below. This CMS documentation includes information on exclusions, attestation requirements, a definition of terms and important additional information.
*Reference CMS: Medication Allergy List
Measure Calculation
Denominator: The number of unique patients seen that have a face-to-face encounter during the reporting period.
Note: The denominator is unique patients rather than unique patient visits during the reporting period. Therefore, if a patient is seen three times in the reporting period, you only have to fulfill the rule once for that patient, rather than at all 3 encounters. However, the patient must have at least one face-to-face encounter during the reporting period in order to fulfill the rule.
Numerator: The number of patients in the denominator who have at least one structured medication allergy item within the Summary Allergies field (or an indication that the patient has no known medication allergies).
Threshold: The resulting percentage must be more than 80%.
* Scoring is individual, provider-based and not practice-wide.
Maintaining the Medication Allergy List

Using structured drug allergy items in the Summary Allergies field is required to meet this Meaningful Use measure. This will involve using one of the SMARText data entry methods.
SMARText structured documentation can be entered using the following methods:
- Using the "all-" pick list
If a drug allergy item cannot be found within the "all-" pick list, the drug allergy can be inserted using any of the following search methods. Users should search and insert SMARText Rx or Allergy items in order for them to properly calculate towards Meaningful Use (the Item Type should be "Rx" or "Allergy").
- Inserting Rx or Allergy SMARText Items with SMARText Items Manager
- Shift + F11 Search for Rx or Allergy SMARText Items
- Shortcut code/Macro for Rx or Allergy SMARText Items
- F11 Search for Rx or Allergy SMARText Items
- Quick Access Location Pick List/Favorites List
Please see: Allergies Documentation and SMARText Data Entry Methods for further instructions.
Indication of No Known Drug Allergies

If the patient has no known drug allergies, the structured item for NKDA should be inserted. The shortcut for this item is "nkda".
*Update/Redownload "nkda":
Earlier versions of SOAPware had a similar "No Known Drug Allergies" structured text item. In SOAPware 2011 and 2012, this item will need to be redownloaded or updated so that it contains the proper coding in the background to calculate towards the meaningful use statistics. To redownload this item from the SOAPware Cloud Library follow the steps below:
Click on Docutainers > SMARText Items.
1. Search for "nkda" (make sure to check the Include Cloud Library Items box), and click the Search (magnifying glass) button.
2. Select the green downward facing arrow for the "Drug Allergies. No Known." with an item Type of "No Known Items" (see screenshot above).
3. Click the blue Download button.
*Note: You may receive the following pop-up: "The SMARText item you are attempting to download already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?". Click Yes.
MU Patient Dashboard

This measure is tracked in the MU Patient Dashboard under "Medication Allergy List". In SOAPware versions prior to 2012.0.313, this item will be listed in the Patient MU Dashboard as "Allergy List".
The Patient Dashboard can be viewed by selecting View > MU Patient Dashboard.
Once an Allergy (or the indicate of Drug Allergies. No Known.) has been recorded in the Summary Allergies field, the MU Patient Dashboard icon will change to a green check mark.
*Note: The MU Patient Dashboard will be grayed out if there are no SOAPnote encounters. It will also remain grayed out if the active SOAPnote encounter is signed off or if the SOAPnote encounter is a Non Face-to-Face encounter.
Meaningful Use Dashboard

This measure is tracked in the Meaningful Use Dashboard under "Medication Allergy List". In SOAPware versions prior to 2012.0.313, this item will be listed in the Patient MU Dashboard as "Allergy List".
The Meaningful Use Dashboard can be accessed by selecting SOAPware > Meaningful Use Dashboard.
The Meaningful Use Dashboard will display the Numerator, Denominator and percentage for this measure, as well as, graph the Trend for the dates selected. Please see the following link for instructions on using the Meaningful Use Dashboard: Meaningful Use Dashboard.
*Note: The dashboard icon will display a gray X if the threshold for this measure has not been met for the selected reporting period. The icon will change to a green check mark once the threshold for the meaningful use measure has been met.