Submit Claims
Q: How do I submit claims?
1. Open the Claims Manager

To open the Claims Manager, click on the Billing menu then select Claims Manager.
2. Submit all Electronic Claims to Payer
To submit all of the claims that are electronic claims to the payers, click the Generate Electronic button.
This will submit all claims marked with "E" in the PRT column to GatewayEDI.
*Note: To automatically upload claims to Gateway EDI, you must have the required information setup in Claims Options.
3. Print Paper Claims
To submit all of the claims that are paper claims by printing, click the Print Claims button.
This will print all claims marked with "P" in the PRT column, so they can be mailed to the payer.
4. Submit Only Selected Claims
If you wish to submit only the claims that are selected, highlight the desired claims (highlight multiple claims by using the Ctrl key), then click the Submit Selected button.
This will print the selected claims that are marked for paper and submit the selected electronic claims. *Note: only the highlighted claims will be submitted.