Add and Verify Email Address
Open Profile

Click the settings button next to your name in the top right corner and select Profile.
Add an Email Address

Scroll down to the Email section and click the Add an email address link.
Select Type of Email

Using the drop-down menu, select the type email address (ie: Home or Fax), enter your email address, and click the blue checkmark button to save your changes.
- Verify an Email Address

After adding a new email address, you will be instructed to verify your email address.

An email will be sent to the email address that you recently added. Once the email is received, click on the Verify button to complete the verification process. *Note: After clicking Verify, you may be asked to log in to your myHEALTHware account.
Verify Email Address at a Later Date

If you do not verify your email address at the time it is added, you may still verify at a later date. To verify an email address, click the email icon to send a verification email then verify as described in the step above.