2010.1 - Race, Language and Ethnicity
Three new areas have been added to Demographics - Race, Language, and Ethnicity.
The Full List

Open a patient's chart and open the demographics chart section. Now click on the Race, Ethnicity or Language drop down menu. You'll notice two tabs. Click on the Full List tab to see a list of all languages. From this list you can build a smaller quick access list. You can add one of these items to the quick access list by clicking the [+] symbol of the selected row.
The Quick Access List

This list is compiled of user-defined items that are chosen from the full list. Once this list is setup, it is the same for all users.
You can remove items from this list by clicking the [ - ] of the selected row. To select the row in order to remove, click the actual item description and it will highlight the row and expose the [ - ] button.
To select an item for the patient, click on the row indicator area and save the chart.
Clearing Patient Language/Ethnicity/Race
There are two options to clear the selected item. You can click the [ X ] button on the drop down box or you can use the keyboard by pressing the DELETE or BACKSPACE keys.