2010.1 - Free-Text Comments and E-Prescribing
Rx Manager will now flag any Rx's that have a comment string attached to the Strength, Quantity, Substitutions and Refills sub items. Pharmacies do not always receive the free-text comments because they are not structured text. To send structured comments to a pharmacy, you will need to use the Note Sub-Item.
The Errors Displayed in Rx Manager Read :
"Quantity Comment Not Allowed";
"Refills Comment Not Allowed";
"Substitutions Comment Not Allowed";
"Strength Comment Not Allowed";
Note to Pharmacy Sub-Item
A new sub item has been added to structured Rx's - the default heading for this item is "Note." This sub item is tied to the Rx Managers Comments/Notes to Pharmacists field and is used to communicate prescribing notes to the pharmacy. This item has all the standard items - default visible in Summary/Encounter fields, customer headers etc. You can get to this new sub-item in several ways.
Manage Sub-Items

In the SOAPnote, you can right-click the medication item and choose "Manage Sub Items"
Check Pharmacy Note in SMARText Quick Access

This will include the Pharmacy sub item in your Medications field.
Type Your Note

Click in the Notes section that appears and type your comment in the brackets provided. This creates a new structured note that Pharmacies will receive as a part of the prescription.
Writing a Note from the Rx Manager

From within the Rx Manager, click in the section that says "comment here" and type the comment.
Include the Note Sub Item Automatically

To have the new Pharmacy Note sub item display in all of your new SOAPnotes, you can choose this by going to Tools --> Options --> Structured Rx. Select Pharmacy Note at the bottom of the Default Layout tab. This setting will need to be performed by each user who wishes to have this sub-item automatically enter into the Medications field.