Provider/Resource Outlining
Setup outlining blocks for Providers and Resources to streamline their time in the office.
Open the Facility Manager

1. Click on the Tools menu.
2. Select Manage Facilities.
Edit a Facility

1. Select a Facility.
2. Click the Edit Facility button.
Select the Scheduler Tab

Click on the Scheduler Tab.
Select a Provider or Resource to Edit

1. Click to select a Physician.
2. Click the Edit Provider Information button.
Note: This is the same process for Resources. To Edit a Resource, just click the tab Resources and follow the above steps.
Open Outlining

Click on the Outlining tab.
Create an Outline

Click the Add Outline
Set the Outline

Outline Name: Name the type of appointments that should be scheduled in the designated time slot. (This name will show up to the left of the Schedule with the associated color, for schedulers to have a reference for the shading.)
Outline Color: Click the drop down and select a desired color to associate with the outline and be shown on the Schedule.
Open Time: Set the time period for the outline.
Days: Check all days that this outline and selected time will be in effect.
Note: When scheduling, these outline blocks will not prevent any other appointments from being scheduled during the block. They are merely referential for front office staff to aid as a guide when scheduling. You can override, if needed.
Click OK when done. Repeat this for each outline for each Provider/Resource needed.
Activate and view the Outline shading

1. Click on the Scheduler menu.
2. Click on Coloring.
3. Select Resources.
4. Click By Outlines.
You should then see the coloring change on the Schedule and see the outline blocks you set up.
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