Insurance Demographics Tab
Display of the patient's insurance policies
Patient Insurance Policies

1. Primary Insurance Policy
2. Secondary Insurance Policy
3. View: Displays details of the patient's insurance policy
4. Scanned Insurance Card(s): Display as tabs on the Insurance tab for reference.
Adding a New Insurance Policy

Click the Add New Policy button.
Required Fields if Relation to Insured is Self

Relation to insured will default to Self with most information automatically populated with data from patient demographics, and only the Company and Policy # will be required.
Note: Data cannot be saved until all required fields are completed.
Relation to Insured is other than Self

If Relation to insured is changed, all data from patient demographics is cleared and users are alerted to required fields as shown in this screenshot.
Note: Data cannot be saved until all required fields are completed.
Entering Insurance Policy Details

1. Type of Insurance Policy
2. Insurance Company
3. Insured Information
4. Policy Details
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