On Hold

After the Scrubbing Process, Claims that have error(s) will be placed in the On Hold section of the Claims Manager where they can be edited and then Scrubbed again for any further errors prior to Submitting to the Payer. This example lists three claims that are missing diagnosis codes.
1. Double click on the first claim to open the Claim Details in Patient Account.
Edit Claim
The Claim Details section allows access to all details of the claim in error to correct and Rebuild the claim before repeat the Scrubbing process. Note the Claim number in the screenshot is 86. A number is assigned to each claim as the claim is created for identification. That number can be found in the Claim ID column in the Claims Manager. Editing can be done by Clicking on the More Info button or by Double Clicking on the line of the Charge.
2. Double Click on the charge to access Charge Details

The Charge Details dialog allows for editing most charge related errors. Fields can be edited by clicking on the drop down arrows or Clicking the buttons.
3.To add a Diagnosis code, Click the Add Code button.
4. Select diagnosis code from Select Diagnosis dialog that opens
5. Click Save

To add or edit additional information needed to correct a claim Click the More Info button.
5. Add accident type
6. Edit Workers Compensation dates, Hospitalization dates
7. Date of Illness, Injury or Pregnancy
8. Original Reference/Prior Authorization/Medicaid Resubmission numbers
Click the Save button to save changes. After completing the corrections/editing, Close out of the Patient Account Claims Tab

After closing out of the Claims Tab, the Claims Manager will open. Repeat steps 5-8, or those steps applicable to the errors, until all claims you wish to correct/edit are completed.
9. Click to Select one or more corrected claim(s)
10. Click the Rebuild button. The claim(s) are moved to the Pending Scrub section to Scrub after corrections.
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