Meaningful Use Information to Review
This lesson will provide several links we recommend users review for information on Meaningful Use.
If the user is planning to participate in the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Program for Meaningful Use, we recommend reviewing the requirements for the incentive program and SOAPware's Meaningful Use Roadmap.
1. Meaningful Use Roadmap

The Meaningful Use Roadmap is meant to be a guide for SOAPware users while preparing workflows that will meet meaningful use requirements. The lessons included in the Roadmap will guide users through each requirement and how to meet that requirement withing SOAPware.
Follow each lesson in the Meaningful Use Roadmap to review and learn the workflows for each meaningful use requirement:
2. Clinical Quality Measures
In SOAPware 2011+, many of the Meaningful Use Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs) now have pick lists available to assist with the necessary structured data entry. Within this chapter, there are 44 Clinical Quality Measure lessons, sorted by those that are the Core, Alternate Core, and Additional measures.
Follow each lesson in the Clinical Quality Measures chapter to review and learn the steps/shortcut codes to assist with reporting Clinical Quality Measures to CMS or States:
3. CMS EHR Incentive Program
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services have lots of resources and documentation for eligible providers located on their website. Please review the CMS EHR Incentive Program documentation by clicking the link below: