Schedule Hands-on Practice
You have reviewed the SOAPware user manual materials related to the clinic role of "Clinician". Now it's time to practice what you have learned!
We recommend that all users have sufficient time to be able to practice their workflows and become familiar with a new version of SOAPware prior to going live. It is essential that the clinic allow sufficient time for each of their staff members to practice. This will help them to become comfortable in navigating and performing their workflows in the new software and will make the transition from the previous version much more efficient.
If your clinic is interested in purchasing additional one-on-one training time with our SOAPware Certified Trainers, please review the information below on your SOAPware training options.
SOAPware Training Options:
1. Purchase Hourly EMR Training Session(s)

You can purchase EMR training in hourly increments. This type of training is conducted by remote training sessions, and is best utilized for training focused on specific areas of the SOAPware program. To purchase a training session, click here.
2. SOAPware EMR Workshops

For a more comprehensive clinic training for those who intend to train their staff on the SOAPware software, we recommend attending our workshop. Click here for more information!
3. Email your Questions

Email your questions to: [email protected], and a certified trainer will get back with you! You can email us directly, or click here to fill out the contact form as shown above.