Missed Charges Report
A report showing any possibly missed charges within SOAPware, by Provider. The report will display 3 specific areas where charges could be being missed:
1. Encounters: Any patients with encounters that do not have an associated billing statement will be shown.
2. Superbills: Any patients with superbills that have never been posted will be shown.
3. Visits: Any patients with visits that are in the patient's New Charges tab of their Patient Account that have not been posted to the patient ledger will be shown.
(Previously known as SOAP Audit Report)
Missed Charges Report Options

Select the Provider from the drop down.
Missed Charges Report Sample showing Encounters without a Superbill

1. Encounters with no Superbill created. Will indicate Encounter Date, Patient Name, Account Number, and the associated reason for the visit (Encounter Name).
Missed Charges Report Sample showing Non-Posted Superbills and Visits

2. Superbills that have not been posted. Will indicate Superbill Date of Creation, associated Patient Name and Account Number.
3. Missed Visits found in the New Charges tab of the patient account. Will indicate the Visit Date, associated Patient Name and Account number.