Add Charges in Ledger
Add Custom Charges to patient account from within the Ledger Tab. Select Patient Account from Chart Rack and Click on the Ledger Tab
Note: Charges entered from the Ledger Tab will not be sent to the Claims Manager and submitted to Insurance. This option is for miscellaneous items unrelated to CPT or HCPCS charges

2. Begin Typing Charge Code or Search by Code number or Description. Search includes Custom Charge Maintenance codes and CPT/HCPCS codes and must be included in the Default Fee Schedule to populate the Charge amount.
3. Click the Select button to add charge to ledger
View Charge in Ledger

New Charge is added to ledger. If the Charge amount is blank, the code has not been setup in the default fee schedule amount. You can manually add the amount by Double Clicking on the line item and Typing the charge amount in the Charge Details dialog